Redes Geoparque

European Geoparks Network

Geoparque Villuercas > THE GeoparK > Geoparks Networks > European Geoparks Network

The European Geoparks Network

The European Geoparks Network –EGN, European Geoparks Network– is one of the continental networks of the Global Geoparks Network. The GGN encourages the formation of these networks, recognizing the historical role they have played in the global success of the Geoparks initiative and the valuable role they play in exchanging experiences, promoting initiatives and joint projects, and advising new geoparks.

The EGN promotes international cooperation of geoparks in Europe and collaboration in the framework of the GGN. The European Geoparks meet twice a year in the Coordination Commissions, one of them during the International Geoparks Conferences.
