Geoparque de Las Villuercas
Geoparque Villuercas > El Geoparque > Proyecto Educativo > I am a Geoparker!
The aim of this project is to organize an international club of young people that define themselves as “geoparkers: the storytellers of the history of the Earth”. The project wants to be operative in all the global geoparks that promote educative activities as an important work area in their territories.
How to become a Geoparker: Young people that could become geoparkers should come from Primary or High Schools that carry up educative activities linked to a global geopark. They could also come from local Nature conservation-based NGO that produces no formal education activities always linked to a global geopark.
Geopark’s educative activities provide formation about the geological processes that performs their landscape and some other aspects linked to its territory including the stories that constitute its living memory as the emotional bond between people and land. After this training, pupils must try to explain these processes as a little story using different resources: video, slide presentation, speeches, papers, etc. The explanations may be shared with other youngsters around the world using a common website, a youtube canal or a book with selected stories.
Young people that complete a story become a geoparker and enter in an international club of geoparkers in the whole world. To become a geoparker means to be someone that belongs to an international fellowship that preserve lots of stories about Earth, amazing stories to tell to other kids, anywhere at any moment. To become a geoparker also means to be someone that understands how important the geological heritage is. Furthermore, this understanding performs the reason why he or she will decide to look after the planet.